It is rare, but not unheard of, for the presence of such a being to benefit the universe it currently inhabits. These interpretations can range from the unusual to the awe-inspiring, to the mind-shatteringly terrifying. Their true form cannot be grasped by mortal beings and may be interpreted differently by different individuals/species, with others creating a collective delusion of their form. They wield godlike powers and are, for the most part, not bound by the laws of the universe. Eldritch/Lovecraftian Abomination/Entity/God/Horror Form/Mimicry/PhysiologyĪ user with this ability either is or can transform into an eldritch abomination, a being whose very existence defies the rules of nature and/or existence and is defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them.Abominable/Unfathomable/Unorthodox Cosmic Entity Physiology.