Penetrating diaphragmatic injuries may be missed Chest tube True statements regarding diaphragmatic injuries -Blunt diaphragmatic injuries are usually associated with skeletal trauma Sustained end-tidal CO2 Total body surface area involved in a burn in an adult to the anterior chest and abdomen 18% What is often caused by carotid massage? Bradycardia Step in a patient diagnosed with tension pneumothorax 1. Shock is evidenced by tachycardia, hypotension, oliguria, flat neck veins The most effective method of monitoring the success of resuscitation during CPR? Reactivity of pupils to light Used to ensure correct placement of endotracheal tube -Ultrasound Patients become orthostatic with losses between 20 and 40% Loss of less than 20% of the blood volume is usually without symptom except for mild tachycardia

Decreased circulating blood volume and decreased venous return

so i'll go with a)info: chest tube insertion, p.Management of a stable patient with kidney contusion Observation Associated with hypovolemic shock -Inadequate tissue perfusion with resultant tissue hypoxia After chest tube insertion, the mostapproriate next step isa) reexamine the chestb) perform an aortogramc) obtain a CT scan of the chestd) Obtain arterial blood gas analysese) perform tranesohageal echocardiographythe answer is d but a website said a(and a makes more sense to me. His breath sounds are decreased in the left hemithorax,and after initial IV fluid resuscitation, a closed tube thoracostomy isperformed for decreased left breath sounds with the return of a smallamount of blood and no air leak. ure increases to 122/84 mmHg Hisheart rate is now 100 beats per minute and his respiratory rate is 28breaths per minute. After 2 litersof crystalloid solution his blood press. His blood pressure is initially 80/40 mmHg. ATLS MCQ DETAILED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2021(LATEST UPDATE 100% SATIFIED) Document Content and Description BelowĪTLS MCQ #1A 22 year old man is hypotensive and tachycardic after a shotgun wound tothe left shoulder.